international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

Le portail rinoceros d’informations sur les initiatives citoyennes pour la construction d’un autre monde a été intégré au nouveau site Ritimo pour une recherche simplifiée et élargie.

Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

key words index  >  greenhouse effect  > recommended sites

Climate Outreach & Information Network

COIN is the only British charity which places personal emissions reduction at the centre of its work. Through education and innovative approaches to learning COIN aims to achieve permanent reductions in household greenhouse gas emissions; reducing them to levels which can be sustained, and which result in no further degradation of ecological systems and human livelihood.
The site proposes a Carbon Emissions calculator, a “Climate Radio” and “Perspectives on Climate Change”, which gathers together the views and advice of academics, thinkers, politicians and environmental activists on how we can stop climate change and create the shift in society necessary for an environmentally sustainable future. Articles are available to read online, or download in .pdf format.

Climate Justice Blog

Fresh information on global climate injustices and solutions, from the keyboards and lenses of campaigners around the world.

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