international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

Le portail rinoceros d’informations sur les initiatives citoyennes pour la construction d’un autre monde a été intégré au nouveau site Ritimo pour une recherche simplifiée et élargie.

Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

Climate Action Network (CAN)

The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of over 287 Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. CAN members work to achieve this goal through the coordination of information exchange and NGO strategy on international, regional and national climate issues.

Address : Charles-de-Gaulle Strasse 5, 53113, Bonn - GERMANY
Phone: 0049-228-9268686
Fax: 0049-228-9268688

Climate Outreach & Information Network (COIN)

COIN is the only British charity which places personal emissions reduction at the centre of its work. Through education and innovative approaches to learning COIN aims to achieve permanent reductions in household greenhouse gas emissions; reducing them to levels which can be sustained, and which result in no further degradation of ecological systems and human livelihood. COIN works directly with individuals and households.

Address : 16B Cherwell Street, Oxford, OX4 1BG, UNITED KINGDOM
Phone: +44 (0)1865 727911
Email: info AT

Global Commons Institute (GCI)

The Global Commons Institute (GCI) is an independent group concerned with the protection of the global commons. GCI was founded in 1990 after the Second World Climate Conference. Since that time GCI has contributed to the work of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Email: aubrey AT (Aubrey Meyer, director)

International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the IPCC in 1988. It is open to all members of the UN and WMO. The role of the IPCC is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. The IPCC does not carry out research nor does it monitor climate related data or other relevant parameters. It bases its assessment mainly on peer reviewed and published scientific/technical literature.

Address : 7bis Avenue de la Paix, C.P. 2300, CH- 1211 Geneva 2 - SWITZERLAND
Phone: +41-22-730-8208
Fax: +41-22-730-8025
Email: IPCC-Sec AT

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