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Country index  >  China  > article


US: With 2.4 Million Jobs Lost to China, New Trade Agreement Battle Begins

Concern about massive jobs losses due to unfair Chinese trade practices is reshaping the American political battle lines over trade, with labor winning new and sometimes unlikely supporters in its fight for stronger policies to protect American workers. Read more read

date of on-line publication : 27 March 2010

Global corporations opposing new Chinese labour law strengthening worker’s rights

Public and media discussion often focuses on the role of the Chinese government in suppressing workers struggles and in not enforcing existing labour laws. Yet, multinationals play a significant role, too. Despite claims that they are raising human and labour rights standards abroad, which in many cases is used as a justification to operate in countries such as China, they often do the opposite. A good example is the emerging difference between China and American and other foreign (...) read

date of on-line publication : 7 December 2006


Whose Miracle? How China’s workers are paying the price for its economic boom

> ICFTU, Dec 2005, 69pp (...)

A report showing that whilst China’s economy is currently experiences huge growth, the majority of the population is yet to benefit, as numbers of newly unemployed rise and workers’ rights are frequently ignored. Furthermore, this report warns that "its deeper integration into the WTO risks further exacerbating this meteoric plunge into inequality."  read

date of on-line publication : 9 February 2006

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