biblioteca international por un mundo responsable y solidario ritimo

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atores > Asia Monitor Resource Centre

Asia Monitor Resource Centre

The Asia Monitor Resource Centre is an independent non-governmental organisation which focuses on labour concerns in the Asia Pacific region. The centre provides information, research, publishing, training, labour networking, and related services to trade unions, labour groups, and other development NGOs in the region. The centre’s main goal is to support democratic and independent labour movements in the Asia Pacific region. In order to achieve this goal, AMRC upholds the principles of workers’ empowerment and gender consciousness and follows a participatory framework.

A Critical Guide to Corporate Codes of Conduct

This book been one of our most sought after publications and as a result we are planning for a second edition very soon. During this time, the present edition is available as a free download to all our readers. This book seeks to understand the nature of corporate codes of conduct and utilise them in improving working conditions of millions of workers in Asia. The introductory chapters introduce us to the basic concepts surrounding codes of conduct, bringing together information on existing (...) read

date of on-line publication : 19 December 2007

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