biblioteca international por un mundo responsable y solidario ritimo

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autores > International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF)

International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF)

ILRF is an advocacy organization dedicated to achieving just and humane treatment for workers worldwide, which is committed to overcoming the problems of child labor, forced labor, and other abusive labor practices. It promotes enforcement of labor rights internationally through public education and mobilization, research, litigation, legislation, and collaboration with labor, government and business groups.

Address : 2001 S St., NW #420
Washington, DC 20009 - USA
Phone: (202) 347-4100
Fax: (202) 347-4885

A Valentine’s day report : worker justice and basic rights

> Prepared by the U.S. Labor Education in the Americas Project and The International Labor Rights Fund, February 13, 2007, 15 p.

Colombia is the largest flower exporter to the United States, followed by Ecuador. Approximately 60% of all flowers sold in the U.S. come from Colombia and almost a third of Ecuador’s yearly production is exported to the U.S. for Valentine’s Day. Meanwhile, workers earn poverty-level wages, making less than half of what is needed to meet basic needs ; 55% of women workers in Ecuador’s flower plantations have been the victims of some form of sexual harassment in the workplace ; 66% of (...) read

date of on-line publication : 19 February 2007

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