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conceptual mapping >  community-based science and technologies  > African academies urge politicians not to ignore them

African academies urge politicians not to ignore them

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> Science and Development Network (...)

Governments must not ignore how science academies can help improve and assess policy decisions, African scientists warned in the first statement ever issued by the Network of African Science Academies.

The scientists, who met in Yaoundé, Cameroon on 12-16 November, pointed to the absence of science academies from the agenda for the upcoming African Union summit on science and technology in January 2007.

African academies - which are frequently short-staffed and cash-strapped - are also not included in the agenda of the Conference of the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology (AMCOST) currently underway in Cairo, Egypt.

document de référence rédigé le : 1 November 2006

date of on-line publication : 21 November 2006

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