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conceptual mapping >  globalization and international relations  > Economic Alternatives to Neoliberalism

DOR George

Economic Alternatives to Neoliberalism

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> Pambazuka News 209: 2 June 2005 (...)

Any attempt to build economic alternatives to neoliberalism also needs to take account of its ideological and repressive elements. As potentially viable alternatives are developed, the neoliberal system will do all in its power to repress these initiatives. Therefore, as well as being visionary and identifying offensive demands towards realising that vision, attention must also be given to defending the space that is available to develop alternatives. The closing down of forms of expression, passing of restrictive legislation and acts of violent repression must be resisted together with the building of alternatives. Maintaining the space to be able to develop alternatives is thus an integral dimension of the struggle for alternatives.

document de référence rédigé le : 2 June 2005

date of on-line publication : 1 June 2006

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