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conceptual mapping >  community-based science and technologies  > Mirage and Oasis: Energy choices in an age of global warming

KJELL, Petra, SIMMS Andrew, WOODWARD, David

Mirage and Oasis: Energy choices in an age of global warming

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> New Economic Foundation, June 2005, 56pp. (...)

Nuclear power has been promoted in the UK and globally as the answer to climate change and energy insecurity. Yet, this report argues, as a response to global warming, nuclear power is too slow, too expensive, too limited, and, in an age of terrorist threats, a security risk. As an alternative, this report calls for a combination of renewable energy sources to be used, combining the full range of technologies (micro-, small-, medium- and large-scale). Although the report focuses largely on the situation in the UK it also highlights the potential of “micro-renewables” more generally.

date of on-line publication : 6 January 2006

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