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conceptual mapping >  cultures and identities  > Training and education in Africa: Western standards versus local factors

CRID , Forum de Delphes

Training and education in Africa: Western standards versus local factors

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> March 2005, 20p., Pdf, 275 Ko, english version (...)

As emphasised by the Forum de Delphes, “Several years after the last cases of decolonization in Africa, it is admitted that the former colonial powers have, in some cases, undertaken a slyer colonization - a mixture of geopolitical, economic or cultural influences. This new colonization hinders, in many ways, the emergence of truly sovereign, democratic countries. The training programs that, designed by countries in the North, are to be provided by a multitude of Western NGOs to people in countries in the South are a litmus test of this reinvented (but often unconscious) domination. Supposedly designed “for the benefit” of these people, they tend to overlook the question of whether they actually fit in with local reality and meet the needs of targeted beneficiaries. In like manner, the universality of the right to education has been conceived in a way that enters into contradiction with the educational contexts in most countries in the South.”
Focused on Burkina Faso, this issue’s purpose is to devote thought to the impact of cultural differences between the North and South on the training provided by Europeans in Africa. It provides a few keys “for moving from a deviant situation toward healthier, mutually profitable relations between the North and South”.

document de référence rédigé le : 1 March 2005

date of on-line publication : 14 April 2005

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